
How To Get Rid Of Werewolf In Garden

In Wolf's Clothing is a secondary quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that is given by Freya priestesses at Lofoten or by Josta at the Temple of Freya on Hindarsfjall.

Contract: Morkvarg
Tw3 scroll2.png
Sons and daughters of Freya,
Another year has passed in which Morkvarg plagues our goddess' gardens. Whoever musters the courage to eliminate this evil will gain fame amongst mortals and the favor of the immortals, as well as a prize from the temple's vault.
–Sister Josta


This quest can be picked up either through the main quests, Missing Persons and Nameless, or from the notice board at Larvik.

Once picked up, go talk to Josta at the nearby Temple of Freya, who informs you killing Morkvarg will be no ordinary feat: apparently he's been killed many times before only to keep coming back after each time. Undoubtedly, this signifies a powerful curse is in place. Inquiring further reveals it was allegedly cast by the late archpriestess Ulve, who, on her dying breath, cursed Morkvarg for all his foul deals, but in particular for attacking Freya's Garden, a sacred place. To learn more though you can talk with Einar, a pilgrim on that fateful day who happened to survive the events.

Head to Larvik's harbor to find him getting ready to set sail. He'll tell you how he remembered Ulve uttering the curse that transformed Morkvarg into a werewolf and proceeded to attack his men but couldn't devour any of them as they turned to ash in his mouth. Despite it all, Einar escaped, though a few things still seem off with his story.

If you haven't already, investigate the garden where you must make your way around the entire inside perimeter before coming across a mechanism to reveal the entrance to Morkvarg's lair. Inside, you'll find the werewolf talking to himself about a lost key. You can either choose to attack him now or go find the key.

If you attack him, once you get his health down enough he'll talk with you, explaining his predicament: constant, everlasting hunger, undying existence, the fact that all he eats turns to ash, and that eating his own flesh burns his throat. The beast then pleads for you to free him of the curse and he'll reward you with treasure. You can then either choose to leave him, slay him, or feed him. If he is fed any normal food, it will turn to ash. If Geralt leaves or slays him, he will die and disappear leaving some loot along with some werewolf meat and any of the food if he was fed.

If you choose to find the key, or wish to find it after initially dealing with Morkvarg, then open the rightmost gate, dive down and enter the underwater entrance to find the flooded cave underneath Morkvarg's lair. Amidst the bones you'll find the Padlock key that Morkvarg mentioned. This is very useful as it'll let you back into the main courtyard area near the tree instead of having to run laps around the garden. However, what you really want now is to head into the only building in the garden and unlock the rooms to find Morkvarg's journal. Read it to learn the real reason Einar survived: he was once part of Morkvarg's crew but forfeited his share of the loot out of fear of Freya's wrath.

Head out and confront Einar, where you can either fight or reason with him. If you reason with him, you learn he actually cursed Morkvarg: drawing the line at killing the priestesses, he used a cursed fang pendant to cut and curse Morkvarg. To remove the curse, one simply needs to give Morkvarg the cursed fang but Einar will refuse to give it up, not wanting the curse to be lifted. You can either choose to convince him or fight him now. If you convince him, he'll make one request: kill Morkvarg once you lift the curse. Regardless how you go about the conversation (or fight) you'll still be able to get the cursed fang off of him. If you choose to fight and kill Einar before he tells how he cursed Morkvarg you will be able to loot the cursed fang from him, however the dialogue option to give the cursed fang to Morkvarg won't appear. In this case you must feed him his own flesh to lift the curse.

Head back where, no matter what, you'll need to fight Morkvarg to calm him down again. You now have a choice here: lift the curse with the fang or feed him the werewolf meat, which would kill him immediately. If you use the werewolf meat, you'll gain 50 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level and can then go talk to Josta for 50XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level and 85 Oren3.png.

If you decide to use the fang, Morkvarg will put it on, lifting the curse for 80 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level, and he'll rejoice before proclaiming he'll return to raiding the seas. You can now either choose to fight him (85 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level) or ask about the reward (80 XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level). If you want the reward but still want to kill him, ask about the reward first, and he'll point you to the Loan Shark in Novigrad. You can then choose to kill him as he leaves or let him go.

Whether or not you kill Morkvarg after asking for his reward, you can still go to the pawn shop in Novigrad and claim the reward (50XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level, Deithwen, and Torn-out page: Werewolf decoction). Once the reward is claimed, you can then go back to Josta at Freya's Temple and claim her reward as well (50XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level and 85 Oren3.png).

Journal Entry

If quest is started from the notice board:
The Skellige Isles have a long and rich history. Scattered throughout their rocky lands are many mysterious ruins, elven relics, ancient woods, and natural marvels. One of the places that most stuck in Geralt's memory was the abandoned garden near Freya's temple. Geralt discovered it by accident, and found there was work waiting for him within - a powerful monster prowled inside its crumbling walls.
If quest is started through the main quest:
Ciri's trail had led Geralt and Yennefer to a derelict garden in Skellige. There they hoped to find the man called Craven, who alone could provide answers to their burning questions. Unfortunately, they were first greeted by an entirely different individual - a monster known as Morkvarg. It seemed Geralt once more would have to stain his silver sword with blood.
Freya's garden - once the pride of Hindarsfjall, nay, of all the Isles - had fallen into ruin. This had happened on account of a certain Morkvarg, a cruel pirate for whom nothing was sacred. The punishment for his deeds was a curse that transformed him into a monster and imprisoned him inside the garden walls. There he roamed for years until Freya's priestesses decided it was time to get rid of him for good. They promised a generous reward to any brave man who could drive him off - or, better yet, kill him.
If Geralt feeds Morkvarg his own meat:
Geralt decided to try an innovative curse-lifting method - feeding the werewolf his own flesh. Geralt's efforts were a partial success. The curse was lifted, but Morkvarg died without ever reassuming his human form. Considering the hideous deeds this cruel pirate had wrought, one's heart does not exactly burst with pity for him.
If Geralt lifts the curse with the fang and kills Morkvarg immediately:
Geralt tracked down one of Morkvarg's former companions who lived in Larvik. His jaw dropped to learn this man - and not, as was commonly thought, Freya's high priestess - had cast the curse on the infamous pirate. The man also possessed an object he claimed could lift the curse. Geralt took it from him, and used it to return Morkvarg the human form - thus rendering him mortal. Geralt then struck an expert blow to hasten the inevitable end this condition implied. Clearly he felt that years of insatiable hunger were not punishment for this man's many sins.
If Geralt lifts the curse with the fang and doesn't kill Morkvarg immediately:
Geralt tracked down one of Morkvarg's former companions who lived in Larvik. His jaw dropped to learn this man - and not, as was commonly thought, Freya's high priestess - had cast the curse on the infamous pirate. The man also possessed an object he claimed could lift the curse. Geralt took it from him, and used it to return Morkvarg the human form - and then let him go free. This might strike you as strange, dear reader, considering this former pirate's many sins and complete unwillingless to reform. Remember, however, that it is a witcher's job to kill monsters, not people, no matter how rotten they might be.


  • Talk to the priestess Josta about Morkvarg.
  • Talk to Einar about the curse.
  • Find the garden where the monster dwells.
  • Find Morkvarg.
  • Find the key Morkvarg mentioned using your Witcher Senses.
  • Get rid of the werewolf in the garden.

If you decided to feed Morkvarg with werewolf meat:

  • Use Morkvarg's flesh to get rid of the werewolf, or find another way to lift the curse.
  • Kill Morkvarg by feeding him his own flesh, or lift the curse using the fang.
  • Collect your reward from the contract giver.

If you decided to investigate further and lift the curse:

  • Find a way into the flooded cave under Morkvarg's lair.
  • Search the cave using your Witcher Senses.
  • Unlock the chapter house doors.
  • Search the chapter house.
  • Read Morkvarg's journal.
  • Ask Einar of Larvik why he lied to you about Morkvarg.

If you decide to engage and kill Einar:

  • Kill Einar and his helpers.

If you decide to investigate further and lift the curse:

  • Use the fang to lift Morkvarg's curse, or find another way to lift it.
  • Collect your reward from the pawnshop in Novigrad.


  • Either a bug or intentionally, if you don't kill Morkvarg right after asking about the reward, you won't be able to get the additional rewards from the Loan Shark.
  • The journal entry won't update if you strike Morkvarg down after lifting the curse, causing some odd comments from Skelligers.
  • If asked about the reward and then killed Morkvarg as he walks away, you'll have both journal entries for killing and not killing him.
  • There is a chance that the objective "Talk to the priestesses of Melitele to learn what happened in the garden" will not be able to be completed, and will stay as an objective even after talking to Josta. Luckily, this doesn't matter, as you can still complete the quest without an issue.


Secondary Quests, Treasure Hunts, and Contracts in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
White Orchard
Side Quests
  • A Frying Pan, Spick and Span
  • Faithful Friend
  • Missing in Action
  • On Death's Bed
  • Precious Cargo
  • Twisted Firestarter
Treasure Hunts
  • Deserter Gold
  • Dirty Funds
  • Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear
  • Temerian Valuables
  • Devil by the Well
Side Quests
  • A Dog's Life
  • A Favor for a Friend
  • A Greedy God
  • A Towerful of Mice
  • An Invitation from Keira Metz
  • At the Mercy of Strangers
  • Bitter Harvest
  • Blood Ties
  • Caravan Attack
  • Ciri's Room
  • Deadly Crossing
  • Death By Fire
  • Defender of the Faith
  • Face Me if You Dare!
  • Fake Papers
  • Fists of Fury: Velen
  • Fools' Gold
  • For the Advancement of Learning
  • Forefathers' Eve
  • Funeral Pyres
  • Ghosts of the Past
  • Gwent: Velen Players
  • Harassing a Troll
  • Hazardous Goods
  • Highway Robbery
  • Highwayman's Cache
  • Last Rites
  • Looters
  • Love's Cruel Snares
  • Lynch Mob
  • Magic Lamp
  • Man's Best Friend
  • Races: Crow's Perch
  • Return to Crookback Bog
  • Take What You Want
  • The Fall of the House of Reardon
  • The Truth is in the Stars
  • The Whispering Hillock
  • Thou Shalt Not Pass
  • Where the Cat and Wolf Play...
  • Wild at Heart
  • Witcher Wannabe
Treasure Hunts
  • A Costly Mistake
  • A Plea Ignored
  • An Unfortunate Turn of Events
  • Battlefield Loot
  • Blood Gold
  • Don't Play with the Gods
  • Dowry
  • Hidden from the World
  • Lost Goods
  • Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire
  • Queen Zuleyka's Treasure
  • Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3
  • Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4
  • Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2
  • Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear
  • Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1
  • Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2
  • Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1
  • Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 5
  • Sunken Chest
  • Sunken Treasure
  • The Dead Have No Defense
  • The Things Men Do For Coin...
  • Tough Luck
  • Jenny o' the Woods
  • Missing Brother
  • Mysterious Tracks
  • Patrol Gone Missing
  • Phantom of the Trade Route
  • Shrieker
  • Swamp Thing
  • The Beast of Honorton
  • The Griffin from the Highlands
  • The Merry Widow
  • The Mystery of the Byways Murders
  • Woodland Beast
Side Quests
  • A Barnful of Trouble
  • A Dangerous Game
  • A Deadly Plot
  • A Feast for Crows
  • A Final Kindness
  • A Matter of Life and Death
  • A Tome Entombed
  • A Walk on the Waterfront
  • A Warm Welcome
  • An Eye for an Eye
  • Cabaret
  • Carnal Sins
  • Drunken Rabble
  • Empty Coop
  • Fencing Lessons
  • Fists of Fury: Novigrad
  • Gwent: Big City Players
  • Gwent: Playing Innkeeps
  • Gwent: Playing Thaler
  • Haunted House
  • Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff?
  • Hidden Messages of the Nilfgaardian Kind
  • High Stakes
  • Honor Among Thieves
  • It Takes Three to Tango
  • Karmic Justice
  • Little Red
  • Message from an Old Friend
  • Novigrad Hospitality
  • Novigrad, Close City (I)
  • Novigrad, Closed City (II)
  • Now or Never
  • Of Dairy and Darkness
  • Of Swords and Dumplings
  • Out On Your Arse!
  • Race: The Great Erasmus Vegelbud Memorial Derby
  • Racists of Novigrad
  • Reason of State
  • Redania's Most Wanted
  • Rough Neighborhood
  • Spooked Mare
  • Strangers in the Night
  • Strumpet in Distress
  • Suspicious Shakedown
  • The Dwarven Document Dilemma
  • The Flame of Hatred
  • The Gangs of Novigrad
  • The Most Truest of Basilisks
  • The Nobleman Statuette
  • The Price of Passage
  • The Soldier Statuette
  • The Volunteer
  • Warehouse of Woe
  • Witch Hunter Raids
Treasure Hunts
  • Coast of Wrecks
  • Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear
  • Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1
  • Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3
  • An Elusive Thief
  • Deadly Delights
  • Doors Slamming Shut
  • Lord of the Wood
  • The Apiarian Phantom
  • The Creature from Oxenfurt Forest
  • The Oxenfurt Drunk
  • The White Lady
Side Quests
  • A Bard's Beloved
  • A Hallowed Horn
  • Abandoned Sawmill
  • An Unpaid Debt
  • Armed Assault
  • Brave Fools Die Young
  • Call of the Wild
  • Coronation
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Farting Trolls
  • Finders Keepers
  • Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions
  • Fists of Fury: Skellige
  • Flesh for Sale
  • For Fame and Glory
  • Free Spirit
  • From a Land Far, Far Away
  • Gwent: Skellige Style
  • Hard Times
  • In Wolf's Clothing
  • Iron Maiden
  • King's Gambit
  • Master of the Arena
  • Peace Disturbed
  • Possession
  • Practicum in Advanced Alchemy
  • Shock Therapy
  • Siren's Call
  • Stranger in a Strange Land
  • Taken as a Lass
  • The Cave of Dreams
  • The Family Blade
  • The Four Faces of Hemdall
  • The Heroes' Pursuits: Fayrlund
  • The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory!
  • The Heroes' Pursuits: Fyresdal
  • The Heroes' Pursuits: Kaer Trolde
  • The Last Wish
  • The Lord of Undvik
  • The Nithing
  • The Path of Warriors
  • The Price of Honor
  • The Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers
  • The Tower Outta Nowheres
  • Woe is Me
  • Worthy of Trust
  • Yustianna Disturbed
Treasure Hunts
  • Family Fortune
  • Freya Be Praised!
  • Hidden in the Depths
  • Inheritance
  • Ironsides' Treasure
  • Nilfgaardian Treasure
  • Not Only Eagles Dare
  • Pearls of the Coast
  • Precious Haul
  • Ruins, Hidden Treasure, You Know...
  • Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear
  • Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1
  • Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2
  • Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4
  • Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3
  • Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4
  • Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3
  • Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 6
  • Shortcut
  • Unlucky's Treasure
  • X Marks the Spot
  • Dragon
  • Here Comes the Groom
  • In the Heart of the Woods
  • Missing Miners
  • Missing Son
  • Muire D'yaeblen
  • Skellige's Most Wanted
  • Strange Beast
  • The Phantom of Eldberg
Kaer Morhen
Side Quests
  • Berengar's Blade
  • Greenhouse Effect
  • Monster Slayer
  • The Bastion
  • Trail of Echoes
  • The Witchers' Forge
Treasure Hunts
  • Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear
  • Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2
  • Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4
Multiple Regions
Side Quests
  • Black Pearl
  • Collect 'Em All
  • Following the Thread
  • Gwent: Old Pals
  • Master Armorers
  • Never Trust Children

How To Get Rid Of Werewolf In Garden


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