
What Animal Leaves The Sand Dollar When It Dies

The eccentric sand dollar is a unique underwater creature besides known every bit a biscuit urchin, body of water cake, Pacific sand dollar, or Western sand dollar.

eccentric sand dollar dendraster excentricus on hand

It goes by the scientific name Dendraster excentricus. You probably know this creature simply as a sand dollar.

What you might not realize is that sand dollars are basically a class of flattened ocean urchin. Find out more nearly these intriguing critters below.

Characteristics and Appearance

You may recognize a dead sand dollar but might not know what the creature looks like when live.

Weight and Length

Eccentric sand dollars tin vary in size but have an boilerplate bore of about 76 millimeters. However, the largest known specimen measures 120 mm in width.

tiny eccentric sand dollar length on beach

They are tiny overall and generally don't weigh more than a single ounce.

Concrete Characteristics and Color

Eccentric sand dollars by and large come in shades of majestic, black, or brown. Once they die, they reveal their gray or white skeleton.

eccentric sand dollar on water with brown color

You may have found these sand dollars done upwards on beaches in the past. The body is covered in spiny tube-like feet.

These are technically spines but are hair-like, not unsafe. Eccentric sand dollars take v radial areas on their bottom-facing "face," used for feeding, respiration, and movement.

Their mouths are also located centrally on the bottom side. The anus is situated towards the border, an evolutionary evolution.

The adults move by waving their spines, while younger sand dollars employ their tube feet to get around. The sand dollars move as if they were lying flat on the ground.

When the current is heavy, the adults will abound heavier skeletons to raise stability. Meanwhile, the younger sand dollars will swallow heavy grains of sand to foreclose being swept away.

Sand dollars are related to sea urchins and can be compared to a flattened sea urchin with tiny spines.

These creatures are likewise related to sea stars and sea cucumbers. Birthday, these invertebrates are known as echinoderms.

Lifespan and Reproduction

Sand dollars take ii sexes, but there is no noticeable visible distinction between the ii. They do sexual reproduction upon reaching maturity, usually at ane to four years of age.

The animals mostly spawn in belatedly spring and early on summer. Fertilization is completed externally. The female discharges eggs, which the male then fertilizes.

The eggs are covered in a jelly-similar coat, which offers protection and prevents the adults from eating them. This is known as broadcast spawning.

It increases the odds of the eggs becoming successfully fertilized. It also helps to avoid fertilized eggs being eaten by predators.

In some areas, tens of thousands of sand dollars can be found covering large sea bottom areas as they reproduce. Fertilized eggs ultimately hatch larvae.

The larvae float in the ocean for months, subsisting only on plankton. Over time, they develop the feature adult skeleton. The creature then settles into the sand at the ocean's bottom and metamorphoses into the sand dollar.

An eccentric sand dollar can alive up to 13 years of age. That said, they have various predators that can cut this anticipated lifespan curt.


The eccentric sand dollar is found primarily in open littoral areas, low intertidal zones, and subtidally in bays.

It's predominantly found on the northeast Pacific coast, all the way from Alaska to Baja California. This is also where it gets one of its monikers, the Pacific sand dollar.

Where Do Eccentric Sand Dollars Live?

This hardy critter tin survive at depths of up to 40 to 90 meters. However, information technology commonly prefers to make its habitation in shallower areas.

It's the only type of sand dollars found in Washington and Oregon. Information technology's also been found further afield, in the Due south Puget Sound.

Eccentric sand dollars will more often than not crowd together over areas half-cached in the sand. This facilitates their sexual reproduction. Yous tin find as many as 600 sand dollars in a single square meter.

Food and Diet

This intriguing creature is a suspension feeder that subsists off a diet of plankton, detritus, crustacean larvae, diatoms, and minor copepods.

What Exercise Eccentric Sand Dollars Consume?

The eccentric sand dollar has different-sized tube feet along its underside. The larger tube feet are used for respiration.

However, the smaller tube feet are used for locomotion and feeding. When they feed, they tend to lie at an angle, keeping the anterior cease buried in the sand.

The creature then uses its tube feet, the pedicellariae, to catch small-scale prey and algae. The food is then passed to the oral fissure slowly via the feet and hair-similar spines.

Similar virtually Echinoids, the sand dollar's oral fissure includes a small Aristotle's lantern construction. This is a claw-like oral fissure located on the underside of the Echiinoderm's frame.

It has v tooth-similar plates, each 1 pointing inwards. When eccentric sand dollars are exposed to a steady water menses, they will get together in groups for safety and stability.

The creatures will marshal in rows on the sand, digging the front edge of their torso into the sand and raising the back edge into the water flow.

The shape of the sand dollar is a hydrofoil, so when they line up and do this simultaneously, they can speedily draw in food directly into their mouths. Communal feeding is thus non uncommon.

Threats and Predators

The eccentric sand dollar has many natural predators. Humans are besides a problem. Find out more below.

Man Threats

The sandy seafloor that eccentric sand dollars like to inhabit may be damaged by bottom trawling. This is a angling technique that involves dragging a heavy net along the ocean's depths.

It's harmful to the natural environment and the creatures that inhabit these spaces. Some sand dollar populations may also be threatened by humans who use them for decor.

The skeletons characteristic a flower-like print and are collected and bleached for sales in beach-side tourist shops. Bug may ascend if humans seek living sand dollars for this purpose.

Climatic change and Global Warming

Eccentric sand dollars are not immune to the threat of environmental changes. Acidification of the ocean and warming of the seas can impairment sand dollar populations.


The sand dollar'due south natural predators include the starry flounder, crabs, and seagulls. Small barnacles may as well settle on the sand dollar, having a parasitic effect.

That said, the primary cause of death for eccentric sand dollars is idea to be old age. Overall, these creatures are relatively adept at avoiding their predators.

Other Threats

External ecology factors also bear upon sand dollars. Exceptionally high h2o temperatures or big storms tin cause mass deaths, especially if they coincide with depression tides that leave the animals exposed to air.

Conservation Condition

The reality is that scientists don't accept a great bargain of accurate data bachelor to determine whether eccentric sand dollars are in danger.

However, populations announced to exist stable overall, and the species is assumed to be by and large audio.

As such, in that location are no significant conservation efforts to protect eccentric sand dollars at this fourth dimension.

Of grade, this may change if it appears that sand dollar populations are under threat or in reject someday before long.

Fun Facts About Eccentric Sand Dollars

  • Eccentric sand dollars can live up to 13 years, and it's possible to make up one's mind the age of eccentric sand dollars based on the growth rings on its plates. You can likewise count the pores in the petalidium's petal to figure out the critter's age.
  • Another fun fact about eccentric sand dollars is that their bodies consist of almost all skeletons. The soft parts of the body are minimal. This also makes sand dollars less highly-seasoned to predators.
  • The creature's skeleton's flower-similar blueprint is besides function of how information technology gets its name. The "flower" of the dead skeleton is located off-center. The give-and-take "excentricus" (role of the total scientific proper name Dendraster excentricus) means "not in the center" in Latin.


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